Théroigne de Méricourt and Olympe de Gouges. What their Portraits Tell Us
Two women, Théroigne de Méricourt and Olympe de Gouges, are leading figures in the context of the French Revolution. Contrary to what is believed, these women (and other revolutionary figures) were the subjects of various studies during the 19th and 20th centuries, although these were often based on biased interpretations hampered by gender-based prejudices. Engravings and portraits that were made of them –and that have been preserved– help us to place them in the context to which they belonged. At the same time, they are susceptible to different interpretations and analyses, both stylistic and iconographic. Many of these representations are not so different to those developed with other more conventional models; others open up new perspectives. All of them, together with poems, writings and comments devoted to them, help us to delve into their story.
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