Approximation to an Unknown Photographer and Painter: Fr. Pedro de Madrid, Pedro Satue?, Foto Antsa
This paper aims to be an approximation to a virtually unknown photographer and painter, and at the same time draw a hitherto unpublished biographical sequence: Fr Pedro de Madrid-Pedro Satue?-Foto Antsa. This versatile artist (Madrid, 1880-1936) began in the techniques of the pictorial and photographic language in the Capuchin College of Lekaroz (Navarra). There he revealed himself as a skilful copyist of Murillo and succeeded in the Photographic-Social Competition held in Pamplona in 1912 with his collection of Baztan Valley farm- houses. Once secularized, he recovers his civil name and develops his professional work in the Studio opened in Madrid in 1924, specializing in artistic portrait and collaborating with the most important magazines of the time.
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