The Alhambra: Paradise Place in the Arab Imagination
This article analyzes the Arabic texts and the specific semantics with which the edenic starts to become part of the symbolic and physical construction of the monument, embodying itself into the classical Arab imagery and becoming, furthermore, a paradigm of the lost paradise within literary culture and art of the contemporary Arab world. Bearing this in mind, the author analyzes Quranic, epigraphic and poetic texts from the court (from Ibn al-?ayy?b, Ibn al-Ja??b, Ibn Zamrak, al-Rund? and other classical Andalusian authors) as well as some significant works of contemporary Arab art produced by artists such as the Egyptians Mu?ammad ‘Abd al-Q?dir, Mu?ammad Sa‘?d and Mu?ammad ?abr?, the Iraqi ?asan Šakir ?l Sa‘?d or the Palestinian Kam?l Bull??a.
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