NFT Art and its Irruption into the Art Market




NFT art, Aura, Beeple, Cherniak, Crypto art, NFT («non fungible token»), Pak, XCopy


Created in 2017, the NFT protocol has revolutionized digital artistic and creative practices by including certification of authorship and ownership, as well as buying and selling conditions. The massive irruption of NFT art in the market took place in 2021. Beginning with the analysis of the problem of pre-NFT digital art’s lack of «aura» this paper analyzes what the NFT protocol brings to digital art and critically reviews some of the authors and works that have contributed significantly to this irruption of NFT art in the art market


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How to Cite

Medina Amores, M., & Medina, M. Ángel. (2022). NFT Art and its Irruption into the Art Market. Boletín De Arte, (43), 207–220.



Research Paper