Deconstructing an Image. Some Notes on the Iconography of Maternal «(un)Loving» on Surrealism




Motherhood, Woman, Iconography, Surrealism, Love, Affect theory


The aim of this article is to revise the role of women and love in surrealism from another perspective: that of motherhood. For the surrealists, motherhood, inevitably opposed to desire, was a barrier to the absolute liberation of the passions, a liberation on which they relied in their revolutionary project. From the feminine point of view, the annulment of the subject that motherhood entailed was also an annulment of her desires and so a limitation for the development of artists. While ironizing on previous iconographies and establishing new formulas, the surrealist iconography of motherhood will be, above all, that of a deconstruction: that of the image presenting the mother as a synonym of female happiness.


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How to Cite

Sousa Pardo, C. (2022). Deconstructing an Image. Some Notes on the Iconography of Maternal «(un)Loving» on Surrealism. Boletín De Arte, (43), 89–99.



Research Paper