Revulsive Art against Touristification




Contemporary art, Touristification, Tourist gentrification, Collaborative activism, Protest movements, Sociology of art, Social responsibility


The rapid and intense touristification of city centres emerged before the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. It consolidated itself as a global phenomenon that affected both established and emerging global tourist destinations. Its ramifications managed to disrupt local ecology and forced the residents to face various challenges such as loss of identity, social inequality and the demographic emptying of urban centres. In this scenario, the subversive potential of the hybrid practices that link art and activism assume its social commitment to the problems and demands arising from an oversized model of tourist travel. This article explores descriptive case studies that, in their respective transcultural spaces of production, share a common critical perspective on the resulting tourism model. Specifically, the profiles and sensitizing reflections of Left Hand Rotation in Lisbon, Banksy in Venice and Alejandro Villén in Malaga are examined, as well as the collective exhibition Alicántropo in Alicante.


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How to Cite

Garcia-Jimenez, M. del M. (2022). Revulsive Art against Touristification. Boletín De Arte, (43), 185–196.



Research Paper