Fiction into Reality: in Favour of an Affirmative Feminist Policy




Desire, Imagination, Experience, Reality, Lesbianism, Visibility


This article proposes to analyze the possibilities of transforming feminism in the imagery field from the vital logical perspective of Victoria Sendón de León as well as the affirmative policy of Rosi Braidotti. The feminist movement is aware of how to identify the power of these images and their importance in relation to creative meaning and values. For this reason, what can always be seen lies within a creative strategy to subvert the predominant gaze, but also attempting to let the representations have their material effect on the lives of women. To highlight this argument, the artistic proposals centre around the challenge of portraying the lesbian image in order to demonstrate how fiction allows us to think of and visualise all that has yet to be done.


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How to Cite

Fraga Costa, S. (2021). Fiction into Reality: in Favour of an Affirmative Feminist Policy. Boletín De Arte, (42), 237–246.



Research Paper