Emerging Perspectives in Ceramic Art. Analysis of Work by Rafa Pérez and Gregorio Peño





Ceramic Art, Materiality, Power to Act, Morphogenesis


Being an ancient practice, ceramic art has a historical legacy that brings together traditional knowledge. As with any historical trajectory, it presents continuities and ruptures in its permanent updates. This article analyzes the emergence of a current ceramic art aesthetic that proposes displacements concerning the subject-matter relationship and a review of the modes of conceiving ceramic materiality. We will analyze the artistic proposals of two renowned ceramic artists: Rafa Pérez and Gregorio Peño. We will pay attention to the articulation between the construction processes, the formal results and statements by the artists that allow us to acknowledge their position. From this analysis we can deduce that the behavior of the raw. material, its reactions and contingencies, take on a leading role in these artistic proposals. We acknowledge here the resonance of a new materialness that allows us to delineate a material turn in ceramic art.


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Author Biographies

Agustina Paltrinieri, Ceramic and Mineral Resources Technology Center (CETMIC)

He was born in La Plata, Argentina. She is a ceramist, Professor and Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Ceramics orientation (FDA-UNLP). She obtained two recognitions from said University as a distinguished graduate of both majors. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate for the Doctorate in Art (FDA-UNLP) with a scholarship -winned by competition- from the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and a workplace at the Center for Mineral Resources and Ceramic Technology (CETMIC) and is carrying out the artistic project How does a piece of mountain become a pot? with a Creation Grant obtained by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Nicolás Rendtorff, Ceramic and Mineral Resources Technology Center (CETMIC)

Ceramist, teacher and researcher in Ceramics with more than 20 years of experience. He was born in Berazategui, Argentina (1978), he is a Ceramic Technician, from the Municipal School of Ceramics of Berazategui (1997), Graduated (2004) and Doctor (2009) in Chemistry from the National University of La Plata (UNLP); Post-doctorate at the NIMS Nanoceramic Center, Tsukuba, Japan (2010). Adjunct Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the UNLP, Independent Researcher of the Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and Deputy Director of the Center of Technology of Mineral Resources and Ceramics (UNLP-CIC PBA-CONICET).


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How to Cite

Serra, M. F., Paltrinieri, A., & Rendtorff, N. (2021). Emerging Perspectives in Ceramic Art. Analysis of Work by Rafa Pérez and Gregorio Peño. Boletín De Arte, (42), 213–223. https://doi.org/10.24310/BoLArte.2021.vi42.11941



Research Paper