Higher education: implementation of new knowledge in the time of the covid-19 pandemic


  • Dora Mariela Salcedo Barrientos Brazil
  • Luiza Lopes Romero Brazil
  • Maria Luiza da Silva Gicélia Nilza Margarida de Souza da Silva Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9605-7519
  • Máximo Cecilio Ogando-Echavarría Dominican Republic
  • Nathalya Tavares dos Santos Brazil




Learning, higher education, Covid-19, technology, social media, communication


Objective: to describe the experience from a discipline of the undergraduate course in obstetrics at the University of São Paulo, taught in 2020, which presents the implementation of digital methods and tools in the educational field. Method: this is an experience report on a discipline experienced by students in the 5th semester of the undergraduate course in Obstetrics at the University of São Paulo amid the pandemic and suspension of face-to-face classes. Results: the adoption of emergency remote teaching demanded the adaptation of students and teachers to the new configuration of the teaching process and stimulated the use of digital media and other technologies, which allowed the teacher to restructure the adopted teaching strategies and to the students greater creativity and new results in the preparation of the activities of the discipline. Conclusion: the use of active methodologies enabled the construction of the teaching-learning process and promoted the protagonism of students, stimulating the production of new knowledge from a collective and dynamic construction, taking into account the use of virtual environments as a teaching tool. In addition to the learning and products of the discipline, which were only possible thanks to social media, the use of technological tools and active methodologies positively transformed student-teacher, student-monitor and teacher-monitor communication.


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How to Cite

Salcedo Barrientos, . D. M., Lopes Romero , L. ., da Silva, M. L., Cecilio Ogando-Echavarría , M. ., & Tavares dos Santos , N. (2022). Higher education: implementation of new knowledge in the time of the covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of New Education, (10), 197–211. https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE.10.2022.15853

