History of ecuavóley, analysis from the educational paradigm
education, physical education, team sports, latin american history, sports, ecuavóleyAbstract
The present research work shows an unpublished study on the history of the traditional Ecuadorian sport "ecuavolley", its sports evolution analyzed from the educational perspective. A journey through its history was made from the social anthropological vision, and responded to the following objectives: determine the origin and history of traditional Ecuadorian sport; establish a grounded theory on the beginnings of the ecuavolley, in order to contribute to the Ecuadorian Physical Education curriculum; analyze the educational contribution through history; determine the time and provinces of the country in which the practice of this sport began; know the period in which the term “ecuavoley” began to be used. To respond to the proposed objectives, a qualitative methodology was used, including its four phases, starting with the preparatory and reflective phase, continuing with a field work in which in-depth interviews, collection of photos, videos and press articles were carried out, concluding with a documentary historical analysis, period in which the data collected was reduced and transformed, ending with the preparation and presentation of the present manuscript. As a result, it was obtained that the origin and history of the traditional Ecuadorian sport "ecuavolley" began in the provinces of Imbabura, Loja and Pichincha at the beginning of the XIX century, contributing significantly to the Ecuadorian
Physical Education curriculum, specifically in the traditional games and sports with the ball, since it provides the basis for the development of theoretical and practical classes, thus contributing to significant learning, in turn, through the qualitative analysis of the Atlas.TI software, it was known that the term ecuavolley began to be used beginning of the 1950s, being a significant contribution to future research.
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