Expresión y apreciación artísticas: an Educational Book for Artistic Mediation by Juan Acha
Juan Acha, educational book, pedagogy, art, MexicoAbstract
This article analyzes the book Expresión y apreciación artísticas, developed by art critic and theorist Juan Acha (1916-1995), in order to identify the strategies of this educational mediation project in Mexico. The structure of the text enunciates, first, Acha’s pedagogical stance to emphasize his commitment to critically study the art system in its totality, from production to distribution and consumption of creative practices. Secondly, it briefly describes the political context in which the book’s design was conceived, under the auspices of the reforms that led Mexico to neoliberal dynamics in all its sectors. Thirdly, it analyzes the structure and visual composition of the educational book to demonstrate the tension between Acha’s critical thinking and the demands of the neoliberal reforms that had to be expressed in school textbooks. As final considerations, it is emphasized that, despite its contradictions with Acha’s more critical and political work, the book constitutes a valuable experiment to approach artistic expression and appreciation from a perspective not exclusive to authorized voices, providing tools for a young and non-specialized public to develop their own sensibility and to appropriate the aesthetic practices of their environment.
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