The translation program of the Beirut School of Translators and Interpreters revised in light of the level scales in translation competence according to the EFFORT project


  • Pierre Najm Université saint-joseph de Beyrouth Lebanon
  • Gina Abou Fadel Saad Lebanon



translation teaching, translation competence, level scales, reference framework, quality standard


The objective of quality in the current context IA revolution has become a great challenge for institutions that teach translation. Because there is no quality without clear and precise standards, the EFFORT project proposes a European reference framework for translation level scales. This article proposes to reconcile the translation teaching program at the Beirut School of Translators and Interpreters (ETIB) with the translation level scales proposed by the EFFORT project. The objective of this reconciliation is to verify the compatibility of the proposed translation level scales with the structure of the ETIB translation program and to highlight the necessary changes so that the ETIB can align the structure of its program with the proposed translation level scales.


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How to Cite

Najm, P., & Abou Fadel Saad, G. (2024). The translation program of the Beirut School of Translators and Interpreters revised in light of the level scales in translation competence according to the EFFORT project. Redit - Revista Electrónica De Didáctica De La Traducción Y La Interpretación, (18), 53–65.


