Territorial brand design in Spain





place branding, destination branding, branding, design, brand identity, tourism


Branding has spread to areas traditionally outside any marketing consideration. A consequence of this expansion is territorial branding.Territorial brands have undergone significant changes in recent decades, and these changes have altered, among other things, the established order of the elements that define an identity in a complex way. 

Works on territorial brands are common, but there is little literature on them from the point of view of design. For this reason, the aim of this article is to identify the graphic characteristics, identification strategies and brand typologies used by Spanish destination brands in order to obtain a global vision. The sample consists of seventeen territorial brands and fifty local brands. The variables analysed are the brand typology, the identification strategy, the linguistic sign, the iconic sign and the chromatic sign that make up the identity of each of the brands included in the sample. The results confirm the existence of graphic, typographic and chromatic patterns that identify territorial tourism products.


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Author Biographies

Haridian Díaz Mesa, Universidad de La Laguna

Haridian Díaz Mesa (Tenerife, 1997). Graduated in Design at the University of La Laguna, with a Master Degree in Marketing and Advertising at the University of Nebrija. After finishing her studies in 2020, she started her career as a designer in London where she developed communication and branding projects for international companies such as Yayzy and Getronics. Since 2022 she has been a beneficiary of the Predoctoral Programme for the Training of Research Staff in the Canary Islands, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Alfonso Ruiz Rallo, Universidad de La Laguna

Alfonso Ruiz Rallo (Barcelona, 1963). Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, specialising in Image in 1988. Doctor in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona in 1993. He is a lecturer on the Degree in Design at the University of La Laguna.


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How to Cite

Díaz Mesa, H., & Ruiz Rallo, A. (2023). Territorial brand design in Spain. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 18, págs. 07–22. https://doi.org/10.24310/idiseo.18.2023.17690


