SpanishDynamics-aktion II

Proposal of pedagogical dynamics, useful in the design project workshop and beyond




dynamics, pedagogy, project workshop, design, evaluation


This paper analyses and evaluates a series of pedagogical dynamics used in the Interior Projects Design Studio (Degree in Interior Design). 

Each dynamic is artistically designed, almost like an action, to create a ‘learning event’ and teach the content of Design Studio through experience.

These dynamics are inspiring, to such an extent that they can be transferred to any discipline. However, this article includes a specific theoretical support: a discussion and a comparative contrast with different models of the pedagogical method of the project Design Studio.

This paper constitutes the second part of a previous paper: Dynamics-aktion[1]. Thus, it continues describing dynamics that are not included in the previous paper, while it moves towards an evaluative conclusion of the content of the two papers. At the same time, both papers complement a previous article which described an approach of a whole course of Interior Design Projects: #eindakoa# (lo que hemos hecho) Un MÉTODO pedagógico del MÉTODO de Proyectos de Diseño de Interior.[2]


[1] DOI:

[2] DOI:


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Los trabajos mostrados en este artículo han sido realizados por el alumnado que ha tomado parte en las dinámicas de la asignatura de proyectos I y II del curso 2020-2021: Naiara Armentia, Naia Campesino, Clara Gibaja, Maialen Muñoa, Ane Rayo, Amaiur Sáez de Eguilaz, Josune Santiago, Nerea Sanz, Amaia Subinas, Eire Vila, Katalin Ortiz, Ane Anton, Ainare Azconizaga, Maiane Eguiluz, Marta Escudero, Paula Fernández, Maitane Fernández del Moral, Delia Gómez, Aitana Manzano, Patricia Marquinez, Anne Miranda, Gaizka Perez de Carrasco, Nahia Pombar, Sara Rodríguez, Yuqian Shi, Emilia Tit, Garazi Zúñiga.



How to Cite

Besa, E. (2022). SpanishDynamics-aktion II : Proposal of pedagogical dynamics, useful in the design project workshop and beyond. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 17, 103–130.


