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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

If you are interested in sending a collaboration to be published in i + Design, you must send an unpublished scientific-academic text about any of the design specialties. The article must include photographs of sufficient size and quality to be reproduced the width of the text box of the web edition (with a resolution of 300 pp and 690 pixels wide), as .JPG files independent of the text file and numbered with reference name to be able to include a selection of them when the layout is done. In this aspect, the text file will have the caption inserted between the corresponding paragraphs, in case it is required that the photographs appear in a defined place of the article. Proposals of articles will be sent to a couple of members of the Scientific Committee directly related to their specific topic, so that they inform of its acceptance, possibilities of publication once some details have been resolved, or denial. The date on which the proposal for the article was received and the receipt of the two positive reports of the Committee for publication will be included in the publication of the article.

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