About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal  in Spanish, of international character, especially centered in the íbero-ítalo-American exchange like global alternative to an Anglo-Saxon line, already existing and very consolidated. It is a question of retaking the Spanish-Italian-Portuguese focus, which transcends the Ibero-American consideration, as the heir of classical culture as a sphere of the highest development of character and artistic and socio-cultural principles of what Roman civilization supposed, in what this culture collects from the cultures that it integrated and in which it was sustained. This integration of the cultures of all the Mediterranean, supposed the genesis of the culture and the western civilization, projected today to all America. The identity of this millenary culture permeates especially this current area of the same, where it acquires a creative fertility and a capacity for mestizaje that are values of a specially cultured, open and integrating mentality. The very location of this initiative, in the home city of the greatest universal exponent of contemporary art and creativity, gives identity and credibility a project that we recognize as ambitious but in no way forced or utopian. This area could be defined as the own space of the Contemporary Classical Culture CCC.

Peer Review Process

External evaluators: The selection of originals for publication will be systematically submitted to the external experts report to the editorial committee of the journal and its editorial board, for which an international list of Scientific Advisors is established in the different areas of design. These reports, at least pairs, will be the basis for making decisions about their publication or not, which ultimately corresponds to the Editorial Committee and the magazine's management.

Publication Frequency

Annual planification

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps in a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Cargos por procesamiento (APC)

En ningún caso, los autores y autoras están obligados a pagar cargos por el procesamiento de artículos (APC) en esta revista.

Digital Preservation Policies

I+ Diseño uses DOI that is a persistent identifier, so it ensures that the link is to be preserved, and DOAJ that is a community peer initiative, which maintains the project of the directory of journals in open access collaborated to identify principles of transparency and good practices of academic publications.