Traveling to other worlds. Virtual reality and augmented reality in cultural spaces


  • Rafael Molina Martín Spain



Mixed reality, Virtual Reality, Augmented reality, Museums, Archaeological sites


Mixed realities, term used to refer to virtual reality and augmented reality, are becoming more and more popular in cultural promotion. Due to their commercial development in the last years, it is really easy to find examples of companies and institutions which are using them within their cultural offer in order to spread their message to a greater audience. Keeping this idea in mind, throughout this paper we will study the advantages and disadvantages in the use of mixed realities, approaching to some interesting examples of the national and international scene, and aiming to a better understanding of these technologies applied to cultural promotion.. 


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How to Cite

Molina Martín, R. . (2021). Traveling to other worlds. Virtual reality and augmented reality in cultural spaces. Eviterna Journal, (9), 151–166.



Impossible museography dossier