Knowing Drives. Would it be appropriate to talk about a Nietzschean Epistemology?


  • Mariano Rodríguez González Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain



truth, justice, objectivity, reality


The truth subject, and the truth levels that it distinguishes, would be the core of Nietzsche’s Theory of  Knowledge. Departing from a quite important Heideggerian interpretation, this paper explores that most peculiar sameness of knowledge and art which would mean to understand truth as justice. So that Nietzsche’s Theory of Knowledge will devote its efforts to let us see that justice taken as objectivity but in the first place as reality approval. These aims will justify by themselves Nietzschean reflection on knowledge, always understood as a fighting-and-(provisional) peace relation among drives.


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Author Biography

Mariano Rodríguez González, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Mariano Rodríguez González es Profesor Titular de Filosofía en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha publicado obras sobre Freud y la Modernidad, Nietzsche acerca de la mente y el conocimiento, la filosofía de las emociones y el problema de la identidad personal.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez González, M. (2012). Knowing Drives. Would it be appropriate to talk about a Nietzschean Epistemology?. Estudios Nietzsche, (12), 147–160.