Design of an Aquaponic System Run on Solar Power for a Family Business in Chad




Aquoponic, Aquaculture, Hydroponics, Integrated system, Solar power, Chad
Agencies: Aula del Mar


This article describes the design of a single-family aquaponic system powered by solar energy. This technique called “aquaponics” is an activity that blends aquaculture (farming aquatic species) and hydroponics (growing plants in a water-based environment) into one integrated system. A description is given of the elements in the aquaponic circuit, which is sized to scale for a family business, in addition to the budget required for its implementation in Chad. The use of renewable energy offers the possibility of implementing sustainable farming in underdeveloped countries. The objective of this system is to maximize the production of fish and vegetables, taking into account their limitations (20 kg of fish can be produced for every 1,000 liters of water while 8 liters of water are necessary to grow each plant). The fish farmed in this case will be tilapia, as it is technically feasible and has a flavor that is acceptable to the inhabitants of Chad. The cultivated plants include all types of fruits and vegetables, as well as aromatic plants.


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How to Cite

Tous-Zamora, D., De-la-Rosa-Sánchez, F., Sánchez-Teba, E. M. ., Cordero-Tous, M., & Ruiz-Campos, R. (2019). Design of an Aquaponic System Run on Solar Power for a Family Business in Chad. European Journal of Family Business, 9(1), 39–48.



Research paper (SI)