Ethics and Best practices

Ethics and Best practices

Claridades. Revista de filosofía makes a commitment to the academic community by ensuring the ethics and quality of its published papers. As a benchmark, our journal uses the Code of Conduct and Good Practices for scientific journals defined for editors by the PUBLICATION ETHICS COMMITTEE (COPE).

I. Editorial Board:

1. Journal have editorial boards or other governing bodies whose members are recognized experts in the field.

2. Journal provide the full names and affiliations of the members on the journal´'s website

Editorial Board:

Fernando Pérez-Borbujo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (España). Contact:

Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Maximilians Universität München (Alemania). Contact:

Philipp Schwab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Alemania). Contact:

Rafael Reyna, Universidad de Navarra (España). Contact:

José García Martín, Universidad de Granada (España). Contact:

Francisco Javier Alcalá Rodríguez, Universidad de Granada (España). Contact:

Luis Puelles Romero, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Antonio de Diego González, Universidad Pablo Olivade (España). Contact:

Alberto I. Vargas, CISAV: Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada (México). Contact:

Marcela García, Loyola Marymount University (Estados Unidos). Contact:

José Manuel Chillón, Universidad de Valladorid (España). Contact:

Alba María Jiménez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Contact:

Juan José Padial Benticuaga, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Juan A. García González, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Alejandro Rojas Jiménez, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Alejandro González Jiménez-Peña, Universidad de Sevilla (España):

Alberto Ciria Cosculluela, Instituto Filosófico Reinhard Lauth (Alemania). Contact:

Juan José Garrido Periñán, Universidad de Sevilla (España). Contact:

Lucas Risoto de Mesa, IES Séneca de Córdoba (España). Contact:

Advisory Board:

Alejandro Rojas, Universidad de Málaga (equipo editorial, sección Filosofía Antigua, Idealismo alemán, Fenomenología). Contact:

José Manuel Chillón, Universidad de Valladolidad (editor asociado, sección Filosofía Antigua, Fenomenología). Contacto:

Gabriel Martí, Universidad de Málaga (editor asociado, sección Filosofía Medieval). Contacto:

Rafael Reyna Fortes, Universidad de Navarra (editor asociado, sección Filosofía Moderna). Contact:

Rafael Aragüés, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (editor asociado, sección Filosofía moderna, Idealismo alemán). Contact:

Alba María Jiménez Rodríguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (editora asociada, sección filosofía moderna). Contacto:

Ángelo Narváez León, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso de Chile (editor asociado, sección filosofía moderna). Contact:

Francisco Javier Alcalá, Universidad de Granada (editor asociado, sección filosofía contemporánea francesa). Contact:

Juan José Garrido, Universidad de Sevilla (editor asociado, sección fenomenología y hermenéutica). Contact:

Pablo Pulgar, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (editor asociado, sección corrientes marxistas). Contact:

Juan A. García, Universidad de Málaga (equipo editorial, sección filosofía española contemporánea y metafísica). Contact:

Alejandro González Jiménez-Peña, Universidad de Sevilla (equipo editorial, sección filosofía española y filosofía y literatura). Contact:

Miguel Herszenbaun, Universidad de Buenos Aires de Argentina (editor asociado, filosofía del derecho). Contact:

Antongio de Diego González, Universidad Pablo Olivade (comité científico y editor asociado, sección filosofía de la religión y filosofía islámica). Contact:

Juan José Padial, Universidad de Málaga (comité científico, sección antropología). Contact:

Claudia Fernández Fernández, Universidad de Málaga (equipo editorial, sección lógica y filosofía de la lógica). Contacto:

Jacobo Zábalo Puig, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (editor asociado, sección estética y filosofía del arte). Contact:

Gloria Luque Moya, Universidad de Málaga (editor asociado, sección estética y filosofía oriental). Contact:

3. Journal provide contact information for the editorial office on the journal’s website:

Editorial Office:

Editor in Chef: Alejandro Rojas Jiménez, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Deputy Editor 1º: Juan A. García González, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Deputy Editor 2º: Alejandro González Jiménez-Peña, Universidad de Sevilla (España). Contact:

Editorial Secretary: Claudia Fernández-Fernández, Universidad de Málaga (España). Contact:

Secretary: María del Carmen Ruiz Puga, FICUM (España). Contact:

II. Authors and Authors responsibilities:

1. The Authors will not pay membership or any kind of charge to ensure the publication of their paper.

2. Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.

3. All authors have significantly contributed to the research.

4. Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

5. Authors are obliged to provide a list of references.

6. It is forbidden to publish same reserach in more than one journal

III. Peer-review process:

1. All of a journal´s content is subjected to peer-review.

2. Peer-review is defined as "obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers‘s expert in the field of publication".

3. The is clearly described on the journal´s web site.

4. All judgments and findings in the peer-review process are objective.

5. Reviewers have no conflict of interest.

6. Reviewers are point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.

7. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially prior to their publication.


IV. Publication ethics:

1. Journal (Publishers and editors) take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where reserach misconduct has occurred.

2. In no event shall a journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

3. In the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor deal with allegations appropriately.

4. The journal have available guidelines for retracting or correcting papers when need.

5. Publishers and editors are always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

6. Journal maintains a policy against plagiarism that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application of the services of Crossref Similarity Check of Ithenticate, to scan all proposals.

7. Editors and publishers pledge to act responsibly and confidentially with the received material, and with respect to all the people involved in the publishing process (associated editors, authors, assessors, people responsible of the layout, readers, etc.).

8. The editor chef provides oversight to ensure the autonomy of the editors in the editorial process, in a way that the editorial committee could work with impartiality.

V. Copyright and access:

1. Copyright and licensing information are clearly described on the journal’s web site: all content published in Claridades. Revista de Filosofía is open acces without limit, and are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NoComercia-Sharealike 4.0 license. The full text of which can be consulted at

2. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permissions for the images that are subject to copyright. The authors whose contributions are accepted for publication in this journal will retain the non-exclusive right to use their contributions for academic, research and educational purposes, including self-archiving or deposit in open access repositories of any kind. The electronic edition of this magazine is edited by the Editorial de la University of Malaga (UmaEditorial), being necessary to cite the origin in any partial or total reproduction.

3. This journal allows and encourages authors to publish papers on their personal websites or in institutional repositories, both before and after their publication in this journal, as long as they provide bibliographic information that accredits, if applicable, your posting on it.

4. In no case will anonymous papers be published.

5. Only evaluating the work based on intellectual content, without any bias towards ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious believes origin ethnic, nationality or political ideology of the writer. For this reason, it is guarantees the anonymity of the writer during the selection process.

6. Authors, editors and publishers must accept the code of good practice.

VI. Archiving:

1. The jorunal has a plan for electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event a journal is no longer published: providing Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

VII: Ownership and management:

1. Information about the ownership and/or management of a journal is clearly indicated on the journal’s web site: UmaEditorial und FICUM.

2. Publishers do not use organizational names that would mislead potential authors and editors about the nature of the journal´s owner.

VIII. The website:

1. Journal’s website (including the text that it contains) can demonstrate that care has been taken to ensure high ethical and professional standards.

IX: Publishing schedule:

1. The periodicity is clearly indicated: one issue is published annually. We reserve the right to publish extraordinary monographic volume, with a specific theme and academic interest. Monographic volume should follow the same publishing politics, evaluation and good practices already mentioned.

X: Name of the journal:

1. The journal name is unique: Claridades. Revista de filosofía.

2. The name is not one that is easily confused with other journal(s) or that might mislead potential authors and readers about the journal´s origin or association with other journals.

3. The journal has ISSN number: 1889-6855

4. The journal has ISSN-e numer: 1989-3787