Kracauer and Aesthetic Appearance in Cinema. Distorting Mirror of Modern Society


  • Eugenia Roldan Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina





This paper aims at deepen the concept of aesthetic appearance implied in Siegfried Kracauer´s writings of the ´20s. In Kracauer´s texts, the category does not refer to the autonomous work of art but to the phenomena of mass culture that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, appearance emerges as a synonym of surface: for Kracauer, social meanings should be sought on the surface of life because there «petrifications» do not occur. Nevertheless, on the other hand, it is possible to recognize a reflective sense according to which the appearance in cinema is the distorting mirror of an already distorted reality. At this point, the specular image offered by Kracauer would bring us closer to a notion of appearance that is more linked to the critique of ideologies than many commentators would be willing to accept. Thus, the notion implies that, although Kracauer defends the pure externality of the surface of urban culture, he also points to its contradictory nature. In short, the different uses of the category of appearance, still far from the Marxist idea of reification, highlights a critique of the modern process rather than an utopian hope ciphered in its cultural products.


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Author Biography

Eugenia Roldan, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Professor at the National University of Córdoba


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How to Cite

Roldan, E. (2018). Kracauer and Aesthetic Appearance in Cinema. Distorting Mirror of Modern Society. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 10(1), 151–170.

