Photography and dead: A genealogical approach


  • Cristóbal Javier Rojas Gil Universidad de Málaga Spain





Among the many possibilities of philosophical study offered by the fertile problema of photography, in this essay I propose an approach especially interested in exploring and clarifying its strange link with the idea of death. For this, I will use an explanation in genealogical key with which to propitiate the reader an adequate immersion through differentiated stages in which it will be possible to notice the progressive evolution of this concept towards the contemporaneity. With this layout, its provenance will be questioned, today inherited as something perfect and seamless. Showing the misunderstanding of this, emphasizing its fragmentation, its dispersion and the turn that it has experienced over time, will be the main objective of these pages.


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Author Biography

Cristóbal Javier Rojas Gil, Universidad de Málaga

Graduated in Philosophy from the University of Málaga

Master's Degree in Philosophy, Science and Citizenship at the University of Málaga

Interested mainly in the area of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts


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How to Cite

Rojas Gil, C. J. (2018). Photography and dead: A genealogical approach. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 10(1), 45–71.

