Temporality and finiteness:

Existential having-been and future death on the way to Sein und Zeit


  • Fernando Gilabert Bello Universidad de Sevilla Spain




Heidegger, Temporality, Finiteness, Death, Existence


The aim of the following paper is to elucidate how, from the finitude of existence, the problematic of temporality can be established within the framework of Martin Heidegger's thought. To this end, we will analyse the 1924 lecture Der Begriff der Zeit, one of the texts that pave the way for Sein und Zeit, instead of focusing our investigation on Heidegger's considered masterpiece. A reflection on this earlier text will advance the analysis of existence by showing how time is rooted in individual existence, not as a solipsism, but as an opening of possibilities with respect to the world (ultimately shared with others). A phenomenological description of death will make it possible to open up to the world, defining an existential temporality that includes not only the present instant, but also the past (conceived in the form of "having-been") and the future.


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Author Biography

Fernando Gilabert Bello, Universidad de Sevilla

Archivo Heidegger

Dpto. Estética e Historia de la Filosofía

Universidad de Sevilla


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How to Cite

Gilabert Bello, F. (2024). Temporality and finiteness: : Existential having-been and future death on the way to Sein und Zeit. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 16(1), 93–122. https://doi.org/10.24310/crf.16.1.2024.16534