“Non fuit Arabicum, sed Hispanum!!!”

Aristotle among Galicians


  • Martín González Fernández Spain




Aristóteles, Johannis Limiensis, Pedro Galego, Liber de animalibus, REgitiva domus, Cartas entre Aristóteles y su discpípulo Alejandro Magno


The translations of Aristotle and Pseudo-Aristotle in Galician lands or by Galicians in the Middle Ages are considered, as well as the problems inherent to any translation operation in any period and circumstance. We focus on Pedro Gallego, representative of the 3rd generation of translators at the court of Alfonso X the Wise in Toledo, of whom he was a friend and confessor, even though he was based in Murcia and titular bishop of the recently recovered see of Cartagena. And we detail the different sequences in the transfer of one of Aristotle’s major works, which so interested the Arabs, from Arabic into Latin, the Liber de animalibus,
a compendium of various naturalistic and biological works, translated by our author from Ortigueira (Mariña Lucense).


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How to Cite

González Fernández, M. (2022). “Non fuit Arabicum, sed Hispanum!!!”: Aristotle among Galicians . Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 14(2), 71–99. https://doi.org/10.24310/Claridadescrf.v14i2.15303

