Is another life possible?

The Situationist International and the revolution of desire




Situationist International, Debord, spectacle, leisure, Desire, Marx


Starting from the diagnosis presented by Guy Debord in The Society of the Spectacle on the denial and falsification of life that takes place in late capitalism societies, this essay aims to analyze some essential aspects of the so-called Situationist International. To do so, the political problem that the situationists notice in their historical time ?which lies in the conformism of the working classes with the conditions of work and consumption imposed by capitalism? is examined as well as their purpose to encourage them to revolutionary action through the project of construction of situations. Once the different aspects of this project and the shortcomings detected in its theorization have been exposed, we reflect on the possible influence of the Situationist International in the society of its time based on the assessment of its perception and expectations regarding the events of May’68.


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How to Cite

Martínez Matías, P. (2023). Is another life possible? : The Situationist International and the revolution of desire. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 15(2), 37–73.