Simia Manu Facta: Naruto’s Selfie and the Fringes of Creativity


  • Luis Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez Universitat de València Spain



The aim of the present paper is to study Naruto’s selfie in relation to some topic of the History of Art discourse such as the automatism of the photographic image, the classical topic ars simia naturae and creativity in the posthuman era. The paper analyzes how a selfie made by a monkey reveals a series of constant problems in History of Art concerned with images on the fringes (artistic, technical, social or human) and their struggles to be accepted in a canon.


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Author Biography

Luis Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez, Universitat de València

Profesor Ayudante Doctor. Departamento de Historia del Arte


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How to Cite

Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez, L. (2019). Simia Manu Facta: Naruto’s Selfie and the Fringes of Creativity. Boletín De Arte, (40), 219–229.


