Stories out of Range: Listenings Woven in the Era of Extinctions (about Jana Winderen)
This article suggests delving into the practice and work of Jana Winderen in order to reflect on the art involving non-human living beings as protagonists. This artist has focused her work mainly on living beings to whom we are deaf, feeling a special predilection for the tiny marine creatures whose lives are deeply affected by the action of humans. In dialogue with Ursula Le Guin, Donna Haraway, Thom van Dooren, Vinciane Despret and Rosi Braidotti, we ask if it is possible to approach these other living beings and their worlds in ways that are not predominantly anthropocentric and if artistic practices can play a role in the trying resistances and feeling possibilities which make this world inhabitable for humans and non-humans.
WINDEREN, Jana. (2009) The Noisiest Guys on the Planet
; (2011-2014) Silencing of the reefs
; (2014) Out of range
; (2017) Rats – Secret Soundscapes of the City
BRAIDOTTI, Rosi (2013). Lo Posthumano. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa.
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; (2016). “Bring the Dead into Ethology”, en LATOUR, Bruno, LECLERCQ, Christophe (ed.) Reset Modernity!. MIT Press, pp. 450-454.
DOKTOR, Thomas (2014). “Aufnahmen des Unhörbaren Die norwegische Künstlerin Jana Winderen sammelt besondere Geräusche”, en Deutschlandfunk Kultur. En: (17/02/2019)
DOOREN, Thom van (2010). “Pain of Extinction. The Death of a Vulture”, en Cultural Studies Review, volume 16 number 2, pp. 271–89.
; (2016). Flight Ways. Life and Loss at the Edge of Extinction. New York: Columbia University Press.
; (2017). “Spectral Crows in Hawai`i: Conservation and the Work of Inheritance”, en ROSE, Deborah, DOOREN, Thom van, CHRULEW Matthew (ed.) Extinction Studies: Stories of Time, Death and Generations. Columbia University Press: New York. pp. 187 – 215.
DOOREN, Thom van, ROSE, Deborah Bird Rose (2012). “Storied-placed in a multispecies city”, en HUMaNIMALIA 3:2, p. 1-27.
FISCHER, Tobias (2010). “Interview with Jana Winderen”, en Tokafi. En: (15/02/2019)
HARAWAY, Donna J. (2016). Staying with the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chtulucene. Durham and London: Duke University Press.
LE GUIN, Ursula (2015). “The Author of the Acacia Seeds. And Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics”, en The Compass Rose. London: Gateway.
NESET, Anne Hilde (2012). “Monde Aquatique / Under Waters”, en ARTnord no. 11, 90-93.
PARDO SALGADO, Carmen (2016). “Une musique pour habiter le monde”,en SOLOMOS, Makis, BARBANTI, Roberto, LOIZILLON, Guillaume, PAPARRIGOPOULOS, Kostas, PARDO, Carmen (ed.) Musique et écologies du son. Propositions théoriques pour une écoute du monde. Paris: L’Harmattan. pp. 197-207.
PEZANOSKI – BROWNE, Alison (2015). “The Tragic Art of Eco-Sound”, en The Politics of Sound Art, Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 25, pp. 9–13.
SCHAEFFER, Pierre (2003). Tratado de los objetos musicales. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
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VILLETTE, Agnès (2016). “Echoes from a Fragile Ecology. Agnès Villette in conversation with Jana Winderen”. DUST issue #10 METANOIA En: (9/11/2018)
WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig (2003). Investigaciones filosóficas. México D.F. : Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas UNAM.
WULLEN, Peter (2010). “Muziek en ecologie - Interview met Jana Winderen”. Cutting Edge. En: (9/11/2018)
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