La ambigüedad de la memoria: bases para la reconstrucción del color del Mercado de Mayoristas de Málaga
Before the restoration of the color of buildings of our recent past always two references engage in a dialoge: the memory of perceptive impressions and the deductions of a technical and objective analysis. When none of both references can be declared of unquestionable way the adoption of the restoration criterion seems to be released of historical impositions. Before this possibility, that has become specific in the controversy raised by the rehabilitation of the former Market of Wholesalers of Málaga for Center of Contemporary Art of the city, in this paper the possibilities of deduction of criteria are analyzed, and it sets out to adopt those of historical-artistic character up to where they are unquestionably known, leaving the free will in the remaining aspects as long as they are presided by the formal, historical and social congruity.
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