Enseñanza, consejos, aciertos y fallos gráfico-publicitarios analizados en la sección "iNo haga usted esto! Escarmiente en cabeza ajena" de la revista Arte Comercial ( 1946-1952)
By the middle of the XX century, the publicity and the commercial art is characterized to continue the technical, artistic and formal characteristics previous to the warlike conflict. Of another part, they arise critical and theoretical those foment the introduction of modcrn tcchnicaf advertising
conductions of outside of the frontiers. The theory and the practice mix continually in the pages of the magazine "Arte Comercial", in way that quickly will charge great protagonist one of the most original sections in the publication 'No haga usted esto! Escarmiente en cabeza ajena' where the
errors of the spanish publicity are examined starting from the announcements published in their newspapers and magazines.
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