The Architet-Jointer and Sculptor Martin Moreno and the First Altarpieces with Salomonic Columns in Seville.
Martín Moreno (†1677?) was an excellent sculptor and architect-jointer, who worked between 1620 and 1660. He had relationship with the most important artists of Baroque in Seville and was one the first who used the Salomonic columns in the altarpieces of 1650. As the others artists in this epoch, he studied the main treatises of Italian architecture. Also we can see in his work the influence and similitude with the altarpieces by Martínez Montañés, Alonso Cano, Alejandro Saavedra and the Ribas, in his work. In this paper we are contributing with biographical data and unpublished historic documents, and with a review of bibliography. Specifically we analyse two of his most important works: The altarpiece of Chapel of La Concepción Grande, located in Seville Cathedral, and the main altarpiece of Church in Santa María la Blanca.Downloads
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