Picasso and the Philosophers: an Overview


  • Gerard Vilar Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain




Picasso, Philosophy, Politics, Representation, Perception, Kantianism, Feminism


Deleuze philosophized about Bacon, Danto about Warhol, but Picasso has never had his philosopher. However, this does not mean that many philosophers have not taken his work into account to some degree. The purpose of this article is to make a certain inventory, without claiming to be exhaustive, of this plexus of thinkers who have had Picasso as a reference, although in constellations of very different ideas and which are arranged in four groups. A first group that sees in Picasso’s work the avant-garde of the new world, the liquidation of the old bourgeois order, and the unleashed creativity of modernity. A second group of conservative or reactionary thinkers who already saw in Picasso’s work a clear sign of the decadence of the West. The third group brings together thinkers interested primarily in questions of perception, space and time. Lastly, the fourth group would be made up of those contemporary thinkers who approach the life and work of Picasso from perspective of genre, normally critical, and to whom the #MeeToo movement has given a visible boost.


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How to Cite

Vilar, G. (2024). Picasso and the Philosophers: an Overview. Boletín De Arte, (45), 37–48. https://doi.org/10.24310/ba.45.2024.20115


