Picasso Precedent in the Curatorial Shift: the Retrospective Exhibitions in Paris and Zurich (1932) as Prior Proposals to the Figure of the Curator as Creator
Curator, Curatorial turn, Museums, Exhibition, PicassoAbstract
The following pages begin with the first exhibitions curated autonomously and independently by artists in the mid-19th century, until the figure of the curator as creator emerged in the 1960s. Betwixt these two events Picasso’s retrospective exhibitions –held at the Galeries Georges Petit and the Kunsthaus Zürich in 1932– represent the cornerstone here. The Paris and Zurich retrospectives are a representative example of the artist as curator and its correspondence with the later emergence of the curator as creator. For this reason they can be considered one of the artistic precedents of the curatorial shift of the second half of the 20th century.
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FRAQUELLI, Simonetta (2010), «Picasso’s retrospective at the Galleries George Petit», en Picasso his first Museum Exhibition 1932, Prestel, Kunsthaus Zürich, pp. 76-131.
GREEN, Geelhaar (2010), «Picasso’s retrospective at the Galleries George Petit», en Picasso his first Museum Exhibition 1932, Prestel, Kunsthaus Zürich, pp. 26-75. Publicado en Picasso. Wegbereiter and Förderer seines Aufstiegs 1899-1939, Zürich, 1993, pp. 179-202.
GREEN, Alison (2018), When Artist Curate, Contemporary Art and the Exhibition as Medium, Reaktion Books, Londres.
EL LISSITZKY (1999), Beyond the abstract cabinet, Yale University Press, New Haven.
PEIST, Nuria (2012), El Éxito en el Arte Moderno, Trayectorias artísticas y Proceso de Reconocimiento, Abada Editores, Madrid.
RICHARDSON, John (1995), Picasso. Una biografía. Volumen I: 1881-1906, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
SCOLARI BARR, Margaret (1987), «Alfred H. Barr Jr and the Museum of Modern Art: A Biographical Chronicle of the Years 1930-1944», The New Criterion, n.º especial, edición US.
TÉRIADE (1932), «Entrevista a Picasso», en L’Intransigeant, reproducida en Verve, 1948, Éditions de la Revue, París, pp. 19-20.
ULRICH-OBRIST, Hans (2009), A Brief History of Curating, JRP Ringier, Zürich.
VRANCKEN, Charles (1932), Exposition Picasso, Galeries George Petit, París.
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