Pablo Picasso, in the Drift of Spanish Communism: Chronicle of a Marginal Story in the Struggle against Franco’s Regime


  • Beatriz Martínez López Instituto de Historia (CSIC) Spain



Pablo Picasso, Communist Party of Spain (PCE), Spanish republican exile, Humanitarian aid, Cultural activism


The analysis of Pablo Picasso’s political commitment to the Republican cause after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War has generated a succinct bibliography that allows us to broaden the ways in which his figure has been considered. However, as this is a recent line of research, there is still a significant lack of knowledge about the artist’s activism after the Second World War. This is due to the great difficulty in contrasting many of the surviving testimonies and the dispersion of primary sources, especially since he moved from Paris to the Côte d’Azur. With the aim of demonstrating the solid and organic relationship that Picasso maintained with the anti-Franco struggle and for the democracy in Spain, this research recovers, as far as is possible, a fundamental aspect of his political biography: the shared memory between Picasso and the Communist Party of Spain in exile.


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How to Cite

Martínez López, B. (2024). Pablo Picasso, in the Drift of Spanish Communism: Chronicle of a Marginal Story in the Struggle against Franco’s Regime. Boletín De Arte, (45), 111–121.



Research Paper