Genius and Classicism. Picasso as a Draftsman, According to María Zambrano


  • Antonio Castilla Cerezo Universitat de Barcelona Spain



European art, Modern art, Plastic arts, Visual arts, Fine arts, Drawing, Art theory


This article intends to review certain passages of María Zambrano’s work (and, in particular, one entitled «Love and death in Picasso’s drawings») to point out that legitimate contrasts may be established between the art of Picasso and that of other creators (namely: Giorgio de Chirico, Leonardo da Vinci and José Gutiérrez Solana). This helps to locate Picasso’s contribution to modern art with greater precision. For this purpose, we will address Zambrano’s reflection on certain drawings by Picasso, in which she believed she had found the happy outcome of the artist’s pictorial career, as well as an inversion of some generally accepted ideas in relation to the concepts of «love», «death», «classicism» and «genius».


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How to Cite

Castilla Cerezo, A. (2024). Genius and Classicism. Picasso as a Draftsman, According to María Zambrano. Boletín De Arte, (45), 79–87.



Research Paper