Blessed be the fruit: Saint Bridget and the Religious Re-significations in the Referendum on Abortion in Ireland




Saint Bridget, Megan Scott, Olivia Harris, Eighth Amendment, Abortion, Nationalism, Ireland, Artivism, Feminist art


Olivia Harris’s photograph, Blessed Be the Fruit, shows Saint Bridget of Kildare, patron of Ireland, holding a banner for repealing the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution. This performance is part of the climate prior to the referendum that took place in 2018, in the Republic of Ireland, to decide whether to repeal the law that prohibited the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. This photograph and other artistic manifestations constitute the basis for a study on the national identity of Ireland and on the figure of Saint Bridget, a character doubly re-signified: first for the appropriation by Christianity, then by pro-choice feminist activism.


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How to Cite

Monzón Pertejo, E., & Bernad López, V. (2022). Blessed be the fruit: Saint Bridget and the Religious Re-significations in the Referendum on Abortion in Ireland. Boletín De Arte, (43), 171–183.



Research Paper