For a For a Supernormal Aesthetics of Existence: the Conformation of Identity through Social Networks




Self care, Supernormal stimuli, Aesthetics of existence, Identity, Social networks


In this research, we try to relate and make clear the link between the use of social networks and their work in the construction of identity with self-care, self-cultivation and self-knowledge conveyed by what we call the supernormal aesthetics of existence. The aestheticization offered by the experience through the screen, especially in the use of SN, together with the repercussion on the activation of the individual’s behavior, represent the result of an emotional process guided by the divergences and convergences of the analog and digital world. This generates the conformation of the self, reputation –how they see us– and identity –how we see ourselves–, as well as the permeability of the projection of ourselves through the gaze of otherness.


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How to Cite

Mora Galeote, J. J. (2022). For a For a Supernormal Aesthetics of Existence: the Conformation of Identity through Social Networks. Boletín De Arte, (43), 197–206.



Research Paper