Mexico: globalization and mining areas.


  • Atlántida Coll-Hurtado
  • María Teresa Sánchez-Salazar



Economic globalization, as a manifestation of trasnational capital expansión, has resulted in a number of important changes in mining industry characteristics, as well as in its territorial organization. In the first case, it has taken place an increasing of foreing investment in mining exploration and exploitation and the financial concentration of activity, because of the transformation of mining laws, the sale of State companies to private capital, and the changes in labour systems, among others. In addition, geography of mining industry has also been transformed: it has experimented a major spatial concentration of production and the incorporation of new mining spaces, specially in the northwest frontier, as a result of more intensive links with United States and Canada, thorugh the NAFTA.


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How to Cite

Coll-Hurtado, A., & Sánchez-Salazar, M. T. (2015). Mexico: globalization and mining areas. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (21).


