John Paul II, a Polish pope (and problematic) according to history
Constrained to keep silent, Leonardo Boff, Brasilian Franciscan supporting Liberation Theology, decided to move away from Karol Wojtyla’s Church. In the lapse of twentyseven years (1978-2005), this Church has punished dissidents deflecting Catholic dogma as firmly and energically as it has rewarded martyrs and those loyally attached to orthodoxia. Progressist theologians, like the Swiss Hans Küng or the Spanish Juan José Tamayo, who have been admonished, opposite to thousands of new beatus and saints meant to be a model of moral behaviour all over the world in this uncertain age of secularization and growing laicism. Silenced voices, like Belgian Jesuist Jacques Dupuis, and propagandists of traditional ethics, such as the canonized founder of Opus Dei. These are both sides of the contradictory pontificate of the travelling and mediathic John Paul II. His figth in favour of human rights and freedom, his determinated opposition to communism, to wild capitalism and to war, his trust in ecumenism, his critic to women priesthood, clergymen matrimony, abortion or any other kind of contraception, divorce, homosexuality and his rejection of some aspects of scientific progress, define the personality of this Pope that arrived to Rome from a far country.
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