New legislative challenge on enforcement of judgments in the social field
digital technologies, impact, reform, social jurisdictional order, enforcement of judgments, improvementsAbstract
The adaptation of the Spanish judicial reality of the 21st century to the contemporary technological framework has led to a timely reform of the social jurisdictional order, by means of RD-Law 6/2023, of 19 December, especially in terms of digitalisation and procedural efficiency as fundamental steps towards a more agile and accessible judicial system. Specifically, and in the full conviction that there is clear room for improvement in the regulation of our labour proceedings with regard to the enforcement of judgments and other enforceable instruments, certain articles of Law 36/2011, Regulating the Social Jurisdiction, have been amended. It is precisely the dissection and critical evaluation of this reform, in order to ensure its sufficiency, as well as its compliance with the intended objectives, which motivates the existence of this essay.
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