A new right for citizenship:

The minimum living income



Social Security, non-contributory social security, minimum income, minimum living income


The present paper focuses in the study and analysis of the recently approved minimum living wage through the Royal Decree-Law 20/2020, on May 29. The first part is a brief review of the main reasons that drove our government to establish this new non-contributory presentation of our Social Security system. This way, we establish the original framework where we expose the initial disadvantaged situation from Spain in terms of poverty and exclusion. The second part features some of the critics and challenges that the minimum living wage faces. Challenges that need to be addressed in order to succeed in the reduction of the poverty level in Spain.


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Author Biography

Matthieu Chabannes

Profesor e Investigador en Formación. Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Chabannes, M. (2020). A new right for citizenship:: The minimum living income. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (1), 270–290. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/REJLSS/article/view/10441



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