Neuroscience performed in education. The study of neuromite


  • Marta Medel Montero Centro Universitario Internacional de Madrid, España Spain
  • José Antonio Camacho Conde Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Spain



Education, Neuroscience, Neuromites, Brain, Teaching-learning.


 In this document after doing a bibliographic review of the Neuroscience, specifically of the diverse neuromites that characterize our society. Our purpose is to be able to carry out a study and analysis of the point in which they are found in the current schools, which directly influences in the teaching-learning processes of our students.

 With this study, we pretend to know how Neuroscience is being stopped by the myths that we believe to be true, but they have been refuted. In addition, it allows us to observe in what magnitudes they are rooted in teachers.

 To meet the objectives of study, an empirical study has been carried out, in which a literature review to study the state of the Neuroscience. To complement it, has developed a questionnaire taken from different teachers from Infant and Primary School located in the province of Guadalajara with a total of 20 participants who have shown us their knowledge anonymously. This information will be compared with the reality of the myths to highlight the ideas that hinder the use of Neuroscience in Education.

 After this, the results have been quite surprising in general, showing the point where we are, as well as the ideas that teachers have about neuromites, which slows to the application of Neuroscience.

 Although the neuromites are currently refuted, we find the existence of a great multitude of ideas about them. Also we see a high controversy and certain knowledge of the most important organ in learning, the brain.


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How to Cite

Medel Montero, M., & Camacho Conde, J. A. (2019). Neuroscience performed in education. The study of neuromite. International Journal of New Education, (3).

