Educating in Human Rights through migrant lives




Intercultural Education, Educational Practices, Nonformal Education, Human Rights Education


This paper considers the relevance of migrants' life stories in terms of human rights education and intercultural awareness-raising. To illustrate this perspective, we draw on the experience of the "Encyclopaedia of Migrants" ( as an educational tool.

The initiative to use this material stems from the need to combat discriminatory concepts that are contrary to fundamental rights, promoted through neoliberal discourses that are increasingly influential in the thinking of today's society. The use of materials and methodologies based on a personal approach to the lives of migrants promotes a better understanding by students of inequalities in access to rights and their effects. The educational actions described in this work are situated in the non-formal sphere and have been developed by the Pro-Human Rights Association of Andalusia (APDHA) in the province of Cadiz. 

Using interpretative methodology based on critical ethnography, the educational experience and the results achieved have been analysed.  It is observed that the connection with the reality of migrants favours the dismantling of discriminatory stereotypes. The effectiveness of collaboration strategies between migrants, social entities, institutions and educational centres in raising awareness is also evident. Finally, we highlight this experience as a model of good practice for education in Human Rights and Intercultural Awareness.


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How to Cite

Serván-Melero, C. (2023). Educating in Human Rights through migrant lives. International Journal of New Education, (11), 67–77.

