Design and validation of an instrument to assess research strategies and ubiquitous learning in teacher training.
Evaluation, Research strategies, Ubiquitous learning, ValidationAbstract
A study was carried out at the level of teachers in Uruguay that is part of a research with a mixed approach, longitudinal cut from the perspective of participatory action research. In this article the focus is placed on the design, validation and implementation of an instrument that allows quantifying the development of investigative strategies (IS) framed in ubiquitous learning (UL) by future teachers from different disciplines.
The instrument was built from one used for secondary education in a doctoral thesis. The modifications consisted of adapting it to the level of teaching staff and to topics related to this training. During the construction process, it was put for the consideration of new teachers and it was also submitted to validation by national and international experts.
The phases of the process made it possible to select a set of investigative strategies, as well as the construction of indicators that allow quantifying their development, also alluding to the incorporation of digital technologies in the research process.
The work in the research team and the intervention of the experts made it possible to improve the instrument in relation to the criteria of clarity, representativeness and adequacy. In light of the results of the validation, it is possible to affirm that it is an instrument that has what is necessary to quantify the development of IS within the framework of UL at the teacher level.
The internal consistency analysis, for ordinal variables, w McDonals, was acceptable (0.793). Meanwhile, the data was subjected to a factor analysis, using the principal components method of SPSS v.25 (IBM, 2017). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Bartlett's sphericity test (KMO = 0.756 and Bartlett's significance -p = 0.000-), show the adequacy of the analysis of the data to the model.
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