Effectiveness of ict in collaborative work for flipped classroom methodology


  • Marcela Herrera Mueses a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:46:"Unidad Educativa Fiscal San Francisco de Quito";} Ecuador
  • Joffre Isaac Perugachi Mediavilla Unidad Educativa Fiscal San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador Ecuador
  • Paúl Francisco Baldeón Egas Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador Ecuador




TIC, flipped classroom, collaborative work, significant learning process


It has been demonstrated that the use of ICT through the reverse classroom methodology generates greater effectiveness and motivation in students, leading to an increase in the development of skills and abilities that are ratified in a Significant Learning Process (SLP). On this occasion, collaborative work is highlighted as an essential mechanism in the teaching-learning process, taking into consideration: teamwork, problem solving, communication and project development, as fundamental factors that fit in and are directly linked to the other phases of the reverse class. For this reason, the use of technological tools is proposed, aimed at achieving the educational standards set out by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, within the framework of a constructivist pedagogical criterion and based on the design of learning in the 21st century. To verify the achievement of the application of ICT in the collaborative work phase, a comparative analysis of academic performance before and after using these tools is established based on the experience of the authors, using applied research, for which the subject of Language and Literature in the third year of the Bachillerato General Unificado (BGU) in the Unidad Educativa Fiscal San Francisco de Quito was taken as a practical case, obtaining favourable results in the academic performance of the students and thus achieving an effective PAS; In this way, it is possible to promote the present research in the different subjects of the institution and at the same time in other educational centres.



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How to Cite

Herrera Mueses, M., Perugachi Mediavilla, J. I., & Baldeón Egas, P. F. (2021). Effectiveness of ict in collaborative work for flipped classroom methodology. International Journal of New Education, (7). https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE4.1.2021.11196

