Empowerment of people with intellectual functional diversity in the university stage: contributions from psychopedagogy


  • María José Alcalá del Olmo Fernández Universidad de Málaga
  • Cristina Suárez Rodríguez Spain




educational inclusion, higher education, student diversity, art expression,, student empowerment


Educational inclusion represents a commitment to address diversity, based on an accessible curricular fabric with which to respond to the needs of highly diverse students. In the university scenario, this challenge involves the design of learning spaces focused on the students, as a way to contribute to the overcoming barriers that are opposed to the construction of knowledge.

In response to certain laws and policies, the Higher Education centers have established support services to meet the demands of their students, becoming spaces destined to guarantee full socio-labor inclusion, resorting, for this, to various strategies, such as those linked to artistic manifestations and the cultural world in general.

One of the disciplines that has received the greatest impact from the essences of inclusive education has been psychopedagogy, which has led it to be defined as an essential part of it, in a clear attempt to identify the most effective educational measures to solve learning problems and to provide an effective response to diversity.

Throughout this work, it is present the design of a psychopedagogical intervention carried out with a group of students with intellectual functional diversity who are part of the Title of Technical Assistant in Cultural Environments of the University of Malaga. In it, the perpetuation of inclusive education at post-compulsory educational levels has been claimed, as a bridge towards the empowerment and shaping of the personal and work identity of these groups.


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How to Cite

Alcalá del Olmo Fernández, M. J., & Suárez Rodríguez, C. (2021). Empowerment of people with intellectual functional diversity in the university stage: contributions from psychopedagogy. International Journal of New Education, (6). https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE3.2.2020.10054

