

UMÁTICA, a journal on image creation and analysis, has been accepted and indexed in the following directories, catalogs, libraries and databases:

Databases for the evaluation, identification and/or impact of scientific journals.

* ERIH Plus

The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), developed by the European Science Foundation (ESF), includes journals that pass an evaluation process in which indicators related to editorial quality are analyzed. This index aims to improve the overall visibility of high quality research in the humanities and social sciences published in European academic journals.

* Latindex (Catálogo v.2. 2018 : 34/38 criteria)

Regional online information system for scientific journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

* MIAR (ICDS 2023: 5,9)

Database for the identification and evaluation of secondary dissemination of humanities and social science journals.

* Carhus Plus+ 2018

Classification system for scientific journals in the fields of social sciences and humanities developed by the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR).

* CIRC -Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals (C Human Sciences; C Social Sciences)

Classification system of scientific journals by categories of Humanities and Social Sciences, according to their quality, created by EC3METRICS S.L., University of Granada and Dialnet.

* DIALMETRICS (IDR2022: C3 - Art  59/134)

Dialnet Metrics System is the result of a collaborative project between libraries that aims to include the bibliographic references of journal articles found in Dialnet. In this way it is possible to obtain citations to documents and authors.

* SCilit.

Scilit is a free database for scientists using a new method for collating data and indexing materials.


Bibliographic databases of academic journals in the humanities and philology.


Database of the Center for Scientific Information and Documentation (CINDOC) of the CSIC.

* Ulrich's periodicals directory

Reference source of periodicals in the world.

Databases of abstracts

* Dialnet

Portal for the dissemination of Iberoamerican scientific production promoted by the University of La Rioja (Spain)

Databases of open access journals


Directory of Open Access Journals.

* Dulcinea

Portal which contains the copyright and self-archiving conditions of current Spanish scientific journals


Repository of open access journals worldwide (University of Michigan).

* Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB)

Database of Spanish and Latin American scientific journals (CINDOC-CSIC)

* Sherpa-Romeo

Database that collects editorial policies and conditions for self-archiving journals on the web and in open access repositories.

Library catalogs and institutional repositories

* WorldCat

Persistent article identification system

* CrossRef (Publishers International Linking Association, Inc.)

CrossRef's overall goal is to promote the cooperative development and use of new and innovative technologies to streamline and facilitate scholarly research (DOI provider).


Umática is currently indexed in:

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