How to break the jug
Essence and absence in the sculpture of Berrocal.
Berrocal, sculpture, emptiness, essence, absenceAbstract
Under the proposal of a sculpture of the emptiness in the work of Miguel Berrocal, we study the influences of oriental thought in the sculptor's work and deepen the references through which the interest in this slippery notion that escapes Western understanding and its plastic expression. We approached whoever was his teacher, Angel Ferrant; the introducer of the hole in British sculpture of the twentieth century, Henry Moore; and his peers, Oteiza and Chillida, top representatives of a sculpture of emptiness in our country. The closing of this problem, to assume other challenges, means in Berrocal the closure and abandonment of this irresolvable issue. With this liquidation, he leaves aside a superior challenge that he will not face again in a committed way, although it will seep forever into his way of understanding the sculptural space.
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