The streets are still the same


  • Ian Waelder Independent Artist, Málaga Spain



Memories, Kassel, Documenta14, Vila-Matas, Politic Art,


My relationship with Germany is somewhat strange. My last name is German, but I can not say more than a couple of sentences. Tomorrow at five I have my first class. As I write these lines I am just arriving from Barcelona to Frankfurt am Main, a city that will be my home for the next few years. Most people pass through the central station of this city before heading to Kassel. After several months trying to find where to stay indefinitely, I could only find a room for a month in the neighborhood of Sachsenhausen; a name that here is synonymous of pleasant zone with good places in which to go to eat or simply to walk, reason why you can imagine that the room has not left me cheap. What worries me is that it shares its name with a well-known concentration camp in Oranienburg. My fraternal grandfather was a pianist and was born in Stuttgart. He was taken by the Nazis to the concentration camp of Welzheim after his arrest on the night of the Broken Glass of November 9, 1938, and escaped in March 1939, passing through Genoa to flee to Chile in Barco. Very recently I learned that my great-grandparents were taken to the Riga concentration camp in Latvia, and the track was lost thereafter.


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Author Biography

Ian Waelder, Independent Artist, Málaga

Es co-fundador de Printer Fault Press junto a Óscar Florit Estadounidense nacido en Madrid en 1993. Vive y trabaja en Frankfurt am Main, Alemania. Su práctica artística explora la materialidad urbana desde la memoria con aquellos medios que tiene a su alcance, desde fotografía a sonido, pasando por texto, pintura o escultura. Es también la práctica del coleccionista aplicada a lo experiencial: una investigación de los trazos y las marcas que los sujetos dejan en los objetos y el entorno material.


Demnig, G. (Artista). (1995-actualidad). Stolpersteine [Arte público]. Kassel.

Gordon, D. (Artista). (2016). I Had Nowhere to Go: A Portrait of a Displaced Person [Video digital transferido de Super 8]. Cinestar, Kassel.

Hiwa, K. (Artista). (2017). View from above [Videoarte]. Stadtmuseum, Kassel.

Vila-Matas, Enrique (2014). Kassel no invita a la lógica. Barcelona. Seix Barral.

Vila-Matas, E. (2008). Dietario voluble. Barcelona. Anagrama.

Vila-Matas, E. (2017). Mac y su contratiempo. Barcelona. Seix Barral.



How to Cite

Waelder, I. (2019). The streets are still the same. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 1(1), 173–178.