DISENROLL landscape: serie Moskovsky metropolitén (2017)

An instant non-recordable panoramic





Posphotography, random, panoramic, ortophotography, landscape


This essay, called Moskovsky metropolitén (2017), is a series that is part of the DISENROLL landscape project, a photography project based on a random image recording (random) by orthographic panoramic capture, which I define as "an instant non-recordable panoramic. " This project is developed throughout different locations around the world (Paris, Buenos Aires, Moscow, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tegucigalpa, Luxor, Tulum, Venice, Tunis, Florence, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc), and for this visual essay, in particular, we present a selection of images of the series developed in the Metropolitan of the city of Moscow (Russia) made with an Apple iPhone 6 (back camera 4.15mm f / 2.2) on the date of July 13, 2017, and in the moment from 13:01:36 until 16:51:31 hours / minutes / seconds.


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How to Cite

Alonso Calero, J. M. (2019). DISENROLL landscape: serie Moskovsky metropolitén (2017) : An instant non-recordable panoramic. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 1(1), 107–152. https://doi.org/10.24310/Umatica.2018.v0i1.5390