The rebellion of Galatea: automatons, cyborgs and other feminist subversive constructions of the 21st century.
Galatea, mythology, misogyny, artificial woman, abjection, cyborg, feminist artAbstract
Since time immemorial, the archetype of artificial woman has embodied the desire for masculine domination and an ambivalent eroticism derived from the fear of its presumed uprising. In addition to constituting one of the fundamental representations of misogyny, the artificial creature embodies one of the paradigms of the sinister feminine. Thus, on the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea have been built innumerable feminine constructions, automatons, cyborgs and replicants that last until today. The cultural heritage of these myths, which are updated again and again under different forms, ends up perpetuating gender stereotypes and values of submission and domination implicit in them. This article intends to reflect on the implications derived from the said cultural heritage, proposing feminist art as a way to analyze and question the mechanisms still configuring our identity and power relations between genders.
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